Toseki An Acupressure Massage and Reiki
in Bethnal Green near Hackney, East London

About myself. portrait

I grew up in a Korean family in Tokyo, Japan. My grandfather and father worked as expert acupuncturists as well as oriental herbalists. I remember that there was always a cure in the house. We hardly went to hospital. When I felt unwell I followed my father to the family herbal closet and we pulled out a draw to get the right herb to take. I remember my father used to put acupuncture needles in my body lying flat and left me alone for a long time. I couldn’t move at all because those needles gave me a fierce sensation, if I had moved even very slightly.

I came to London twenty years ago to study art. After my study I met my wife who was suffering from severe back pain. I began to get interested in natural remedies again because of her pain. I wanted to find out the reason why her back was hurting and the cure for it. I attended several introductory courses in natural remedies and my study expanded to professional level. Now my wife’s back is a lot better and I am working as a therapist. Therapy is a rewarding job, which I feel the passion for.

ITEC diploma in Holistic Massage
Advanced Acupressure Massage Diploma : The College of Oriental Medicine
Reiki 1st & 2nd Degree

Contact detail:

I am based at:
Bodywise Natural Health Centre

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